Posted in Academic Tips

How Important Are Parent-Teacher Conferences?

Students tend to dread impending parent-teacher conferences. Even if they have been performing well throughout the academic year, there’s still that edge of worry that your teacher doesn’t like you or thinks you’re under-performing, almost always going to result in a ‘talk’ back home. On the other hand, some students don’t worry, since their parents won’t attend the conferences anyway. Whichever closely relates to you, the question remains, are parent-teacher conferences important and necessary? Continue reading “How Important Are Parent-Teacher Conferences?”

Posted in Writing advice

5 Important Steps for Editing and Proofreading Your Writing

Editing and proofreading. It may seem like something journalists or teachers practice all day, every day, but the truth is, if you write, whether, on a computer or using a pen and paper, you must carry out these essential tasks. Michael Jordan doesn’t simply net basket after basket when he plays basketball; he must practice and refine his technique over and over again before it’s perfect. That’s exactly what you’ve got to do with your writing.

To give you the best chance at editing and proofreading your written work to perfection, no matter what the subject or context, here are five essential steps you must take. Continue reading “5 Important Steps for Editing and Proofreading Your Writing”

Posted in Academic Tips

Do College Rankings Matter?

If you’ve ever looked into what college or university, it’s probably safe to say that you’ve referred to some kind of college ranking list. Maybe you were looking into a college, and you’ve been put off by the ranking? Maybe you’ve just ignored the ranking because you know exactly which college/university you want to go to or maybe you’ve just ignored the rankings list altogether? Continue reading “Do College Rankings Matter?”